Once Upon A Gang 2017…

      Tombstone:       Laters Dear, Fairy Titia.    1989 – 2089    EULOGYLetitia _ _ _ _ _ _ (husbands name), the child whisperer, is the reason we are her today. To celebrate her long fun filled life and to give thanks to God for a beautiful soul here on earth. She believed that to die is gain for those… Continue reading Once Upon A Gang 2017…

Categorized as Letty

Hallelujah! I’m Singing!

The peace HE has given me,Surpasses understanding.The joy HE has given me,Knows no bounds.The favour HE has bestowed on me, Knows no lack.The freedom HE has given me,Makes my heart sing a new song.My Savior, My King,Hallelujah! I’m singing! By Tr.Titia🌻